
It’s being a while without any new post. This was due to my laptop being hit by lightning and the motherboard was burnt. Anyway I got it back now and would like to cover the last part of Level 3 before moving into Level 4.

Conversation 1
Tony : Have you decided what to do during summer holiday – Natsu yasumi, dō suru ka, (kimeru)kimeta
Kobayashi : No, not yet. How about you – Uun, mada. Toni-san wa
Tony : I have decided to go camping in August – Kimatte iru no wa 8 gatsu no kyanpu dake da yo
Meaning : Natsu (Summer), Yasumi (Holiday / Rest), Kimeru (Decide), Kyanpu (Camp)

Conversation 2
Kobayashi : My car could’t go out because there’s a big truck parking in front of my house – Uchi no mae ni ookii torakku ga (Tomaru)tomatte ite, kuruma o dasu koto ga dekinain da.
Tony : When was the truck parked there – Sono torakku, itsu kara (Tomeru)tomete aru no
Kobayashi : Hmm, I think it’s being there for 30 minutes – Sō da naa, mō 30 bun naru ka na
Meaning : Torakku (Truck), Tomaru / Tomeru (Stop / Park), Itsu (When)

Conversation 3
Kobayashi : Hello – Moshi moshi.
Tony : Yes, Tony speaking – Hai, Toni de gozaimasu
Kobayashi : I am Kobayashi, Is John in? – Kobayashi to mō shimasu, Jon-san irasshaimasu ka?
Tony : Yes, he is in. Please wait a moment – Hai, orimasu. Shōshō omachi kudasaimase
Meaning : Moshi moshi (Hello), Gozaimasu (a very polite form for “desu”), Irasshaimasu (A very polite form for “imasu”), Orimasu (antoher polite for for “imasu”), Shōshō (a moment), Kudasaimase (a very polite form for “kudasai”)

In my next post, I will cover Level 4 lessons. Stay Tune !!!


Yet another conversation session.

Conversation 1
Q : Since it is raining, shouldn’t we go by taxi? – Ame ga (furu)futte iru kara, takushi-de ikimashō ka?
A : Yeah. I’ll call a taxi – Sō desu ne. Jaa, boku ga (yobu)yonde kimasu
Meaning : Ame ga furu (Raining), Ame (Rain), Takushi- (Taxi), Boku (I), Yobu (Call)

Conversation 2
Q : It’s 7 o’clock. Still not going to the party yet? – Mō 7 ji desu yo. Mada pa-ti- e ikanain desu ka
A : Ya, I have something to do and I’ll be a bit late – Ee. yōji ga aru kara, chotto okurete ikimasu
Meaning : Mada (Still), Pa-ti- (Party), Yōji (Tasks / Things to do), Chotto (A little)

Conversation 3
Q : Did you already know Japanese when you come to Japan? – Nihon e kita toki, mō nihongo ga dekitan desu ka?
A : Ya, I speak a little because I studied in China – Ee. chūgoku de benkyō shite imashita kara, sukoshi dake hanasu koto ga dekimashita
Meaning : Chūgoku (China), Benkyō (Study), Sukoshi (A little bit), Dake (Only), Hanasu (Speak)


Conversation time again !!! Here we go …..

Conversation 1
Q : What happened? – Dō shimashita ka?
A : I have flu – Kaze o (hiku)hiitan desu.
Q : Do you have fever? – Netsu ga arimasu ka?
A : Yes, about 37 degree – Hai. 37 do chotto arimasu.
Meaning : Kaze (Flu), Hiku (Catch a flu), Netsu (Fever), 37 Do (37 degree)

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It’s been a while since my last post. I was a bit busy in my job.

Today I will cover conversation for what we have learned the last couple of weeks.

A : Excuse Me, Can I borrow the phone? – Sumimasen, denwa o (kariru)karite mo ii desu ka?
B : Yes, please. – Hai, dōzo
Meaning : Sumimasen (Excuse Me), Denwa (Telephone), Kariru (Borrow)

A : Can I switch on the radio? – Rajio o (tsukeru)tsukete mo ii desu ka?
B : Sure but don’t turn the sound too loud – Ii desu yo. Demo, oto o amari (ookii)ookiku shinaide kudasai ne.
Meaning : Rajio (Radio), Tsukeru (Switch On), Oto (Voice / Sound), Ookii (Big)

A : Am I not allow to enter this classroom? – Kono kyōshitsu ni (hairu)haitte wa ikemasen ka?
B : Yes, nobody is allow to enter. It is in a midst of exam now. – Hai, dare mo haitte wa ikemasen. Ima, shiken chū desu
Meaning : Hairu (Enter / Go In), Kyōshitsu (Classroom), Shiken (Examination), Chū (In a midst of)

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Conversation 1
Q : Already received your birthday present? – Mō tanjōbi no purezento o moraimashita ka?
A : Yes. I got a cassette tape from Tony – Hai. Toni san ni wa kasettote-pu to sara no setto o moraimashita.

Q : Any other? – Hoka ni wa?
A : I got flowers from the teacher – Sensei ga, hana o kudasaimashita.
Meaning : Mō (Already), Tanjōbi (Birthday), Purezento (Present / Gift), Kasettote-pu (Cassette Tape), Hana (Flower)

Conversation 2
Q : Still haven’t water the flowers – Mada hana ni mizu o (yaru)yatteinai no
A : No, already done this morning – Uun, kesa wa mō yatta yo
Meaning : Mada (Still), Mizu (Water), Yaru (Do), Kesa (This Morning)

Conversation 3
Q : Very soon will be dad and mom’s wedding aniversary. Last year what dad gave to mom? – Mō sugu otōsan to okaasan no kekkon kinenbi ne. Otōsan wa kyonen, okaasan ni nani o ageta no?
A : A diamond ring – Daiyamondo no yubiwa da yo
Q : Wow, amazing – Waa-, sugoi.
Meaning : Sugu (Soon), Kekkon (Marriage / Wedding), Kinenbi (Aniversary), Kyonen (Last Year),Daiyomondo (Diamond), Yubiwa (Ring), Sugoi (Amazing / Wonderful)

Conversation 4
Q : What are you going to give to dad during christmas – Otōsan ni kurisumasu no purezento, nani ageru?
A : Oh ya. How about a tie? – Sō da na. Nekutai wa dō?

Q : That was given a year before last year – Sore wa ototoshi ageta wa
A : So, how about a wallet – Jaa, saifu wa?
Q : Hmm, let’s go for wallet. I will go and buy tomorrow – Sō ne, saifu ni shimashō. Watashi ga ashita katte kuru wa
Meaning : Kurisumasu (Christmas), Nekutai (Neck Tie), Ototoshi (A year before last year), Saifu (Wallet)


Conversation 1
Q : Where are you going? – Doko, iku no?
A : Shibuya – Shibuya
Q : Shopping? – Kaimono?
A : No, metting friends – Uun, tomodachi ni au no
Meaning : Doko (Where), Shibuya (A place located in Tokyo), Kaimono (Shopping)

Conversation 2
Q : It’s crowded, can you see anything? – (Komu)Konde iru wa ne. Mieru?
A : No, I don’t see clearly – Uun, amari yoku mienai wa
Meaning : Komu (Crowd), Mieru (Can See), Amari (Not so)

Conversation 3
Q : Did you read the notice board today? – Kyō no keijiban, mita?
A : No, Still not yet? – Uun, mada dakedo
Q : It’s for the recruitment of partime workers? – Arubaito no boshū ga (kaku)kaite atta yo
A : Oh, So let me go and have a look? – Sō. Jaa, mitekuru yo
Meaning : Keijiban (Notice Board), Dakedo (Anyway / However), Arubaito (Part Time Job), Boshū (Recruitment)

Conversation 4
Q : Sleepy. I woke up at around 2 o’clock yesterday – Nemui wa. Kinō mo 2 ji goro made (okiru)okiteta
A : What have you done? – Nani (suru)shiteta no?
Q : Writing a letter to friend – Tomodachi ni, tegami (kaku)kaiteta
A : Posted already? – – Mō (dasu)dashita?
Q : No, I haven’t buy a stamp yet – Uun, mada kitte kattenai yo
Meaning : Nemui (Sleepy), Okiru (Wake Up), Kitte (Stamp), Dasu (Send / Issue)


Tony : May I come in – Gomen kudasai
Kobayashi : Yes, who is that? – Hai, Dochira sama desu ka?
Tony : I’m Tony – Toni desu.

Kobayashi : Oh, Tony, welcome. Please come in – Maa, Toni-san, irasshaimase. Dōzo oagari kudasai.
Tony : Sorry for disturbing – Hai, ojama shimasu

John : Please (go in first) – Osaki ni dōzo
Tony : Thanks – Dōmo

Tony : Excuse me – Shitsurei shimasu
John : Excuse me – Shitsurei shimasu

Kobayashi : Please take a seat – Dōzo okake kudasai
Tony : Thank you – Hai, arigatō gozaimasu

Tony : This is John from America – Kochira wa amerika kara no Jon-san desu
John : I’m John, nice to meet you. – Hajimemashite. Jon desu
Kobayashi : I’m Kobayashi, nice to meet you. Regards – Kobayashi desu. Hajimemashite. Dōzo yoroshiku.

Meaning : Gomen Kudasai (May I come in), Dochira Sama (Who – polite form), Irrashaimase (Welcome), Oagari (Rise, Come In – polite form), Ojama (Disturb), Osaki (First), Dōzo (Please), Dōmo (Thanks), Shitsurei (Excuse), Okake (Sit Down), Kochira (This), Kochira (This – for human – polite form), Hajimemashite (Nice to meet you), Yoroshiku (This is something like “All the best” or asking someone for a favor)


Kobayashi : How is it? – Ikaga desu ka?
Tony : Please shorten a little bit more – Mō sukoshi (mijikai)mijikaku shite kudasai.
Kobayashi : How short do you want? – Dono gurai mijikaku shimashō ka?
Tony : Please shorten for about 1 centimeter – Mō 1 senchi gurai mijikaku shite kudasai.
Meaning : Ikaga (How – to what extent), Mō (More, Already), Mijikai (Short), Gurai (About), Senchi (Centimeter)

Kobayashi : How many years have you study Japanese? – Nihongo o benkyō shite kara nan nen ni narimasu ka?
Tony : Already 3 years – Mō 3 nen ni narimashita.
Kobayashi : Is it still difficult? – Mada muzukashii desu ka?
Tony : Yes, very. But, it became gradually fun – Hai, tottemo. Demo dandan (omoshiroi)omoshiroku natte kimashita.
Meaning : Benkyō (Study), Mada (Still), Muzukashii (Difficult), Tottemo (Very), Demo (But, However), Dandan (Gradually), Omoshiroi (Fun)

Kobayashi : Your grandfather has been admitted for a week already, right? – Ojiisan ga nyūin shite kara sorosoro isshūkan ni narimasu ka?
Tony : No, 2 weeks but he is better already – Iie, nishūkan ni narimasu ga, mō yoku narimashita.
Kobayashi : Is it. Still haven’t discharge yet? – Sō desu ka. Mada taiin wa shimasen ka?
Tony : Ya, Still not discharge yet – Ee, mada taiin shimasen.
Meaning : Ojiisan (Grandfather), Nyūin (Admit Hospital), Sorosoro (Soon, Within a short time), Taiin (Discharge from Hospital)


Conversation 1
Kobayashi : What did you do day before yesterday? – Ototoi wa nani o shite imashita ka?
Tony : Went to Shibuya for shopping, then watch a drama. – Shibuya e itte kaimono o shite kara, shibai o mimashita.
Kobayashi : What did you buy? – Nani o kaimashita ka?
Tony : I saw sofa & table at the department store near the station but couldn’t find any good ones – Eki no soba no depa-to de, sofa- to te-buru o mimashita ga, ii no ga (mitsukaru)mitsukarimasen deshita.
Kobayashi : What kind of sofa & table you wanted? – Donna no ga hoshikatta desu ka?
Tony : I wished to buy big and beautiful sofa and small square table but only small sofa was available. – Ookikute kirei na sofa- to chisakute shikakui te-buru ga kaitakatta desu ga, chisai sofa- shika arimasen deshita.
Kobayashi : So, you didn’t but anything – Jaa, nani mo kaimasen deshita ka?
Tony : No, I didn’t by sofa & table but I bought a doll for my daughter – Iie, sofa- to te-buru wa kaimasen deshita ga, musume ni omocha o katte kaerimashita.
Meaning : Ototoi (Day before yesterday), Kaimono (Shopping), Shibai (Drama), Sofa- (Sofa), Te-buru (Table), Mitsukaru (Discover / Find), Shikaku (Square), Musume (Daughter), Omocha (Doll)

Conversation 2
Kobayashi : Have you already went for tour? – Mō ryokō shimashita ka?
Tony : Yes, I went to Kyoto & Osaka last month – Hai, sengetsu, Kyōto to Osaka e itte kimashita.
Kobayashi : Is it. Then, is there any other place you wish to visit – Sō desu ka. Sorekara, hoka ni doko e ikitai desu ka?
Tony : I wish to go to Hokkaido & Kyushu – Hokkaidō ya Kyūshū nado e ikitai desu
Meaning : Ryokō (Tour), Sengetsu (Last Month), Hoka (Other)


Conversation 1
Kobayashi : I am hungry – Onaka ga (suku)sukimashita ne.
Tony : Yeah, very – Ee, tottemo.
Kobayashi : So, let’s go and eat at the nearby Soba restaurant – Jaa, chikaku no sobaya e (taberu)tabe ni ikimashou.
Meaning : Onaka (Stomach), Suku (Hungry), Tottemo (Very), Chikaku (Nearby), Sobaya (Soba Restaurant), Soba (A type of Japanese Mee)

Kobayashi : Don’t you plan to visit my house this Sunday? – Kondo no nichiyoubi, uchi e (asobu)asobi ni kimasen ka?
Tony : Yes, thank you. Is it near from here? – Hai, arigatou gozaimasu. Koko kara chikai desu ka?
Kobayashi : Yes, it takes 15 minutes by walk – Hai, (aruku)aruite 15 fun gurai desu.
Tony : I see, can you write me your address? – Naruhodo, juusho o (kaku)kaite (morau)moraimasen ka?
Kobayashi : Yes – Hai.
Meaning : Kondo (This time), Nichiyoubi (Sunday), Arigatou Gozaimasu (Thank You), Koko (Here), Chikai (Near), Aruku (Walk), Naruhodo (I see), Juusho (Address), Morau (Receive / Get)

Kobayashi : Isn’t this room hot? – Kono heya, (atsui)atsuku arimasen ka?
Tony : A bit hot – Chotto atsui desu ne.
Kobayashi : So, shall we open the window? – Jaa, mado o (akeru)akemashou ka?
Tony : No, please switch off that stove – Iie, sono suto-bu o (kesu)keshite kudasai.
Meaning : Kono (This), Heya (Room), Atsui (Hot), Chotto (A bit), Akeru (Open), Suto-bu (Stove), Kesu (Switch Off)

Kobayashi : Shall i make you coffee? – Ko-hi- o (ireru)iremashou ka?
Tony : Ya, Please – Ee, onegai shimasu.
Kobayashi : Milk and sugar, how would you prefer? – Miruku to satou wa dou shimashou ka?
Michael : No sugar but please add a little bit of milk only – Satou wa irimasen ga, miruku dake, sukoshi irete kudasai.
Kobayashi : How about you, Tony? – Toni san wa?
Tony : I like black coffee more – Watashi wa burakku no hou ga suki desu.
Kobayashi : Yes, understood. Only milk for Michael amd black for Tony – Hai, wakarimashita. Maikeru san wa miruku dake de, Toni san wa burakku desu ne.
Meaning : Ireru (Put in), Onegai Shimasu (Please – requesting for a favour), Miruku (Milk), Satou (Sugar), Dake (Only), Sukoshi (A little), Burakku (Black – for coffee use)

Certain words cannot be translated with their actual meaning in English. So I change a little to make it easier to understand.

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