Conversation and Level 2
Conversation time to cover what we have learned
Conversation 1
Kobayashi : Where are you going? – Doko e ikimasu ka?
Tony : I go to post office and send letter – Yuubinkyoku e (iku)itte, tegami o (dasu)dashite kimasu.
Meaning : Doko (Where)
Conversation 2
Kobayashi : Is everyone gathered? – Minna (atsumaru)atsumarimashita ka?
Tony : No, Michael is not here – Iie, Maikeru san wa imasen.
Kobayashi : Tony, please call Michael (and come back) – Toni san, Maikeru san (yobu)yonde (kuru)kite kudasai.
Meaning : Minna (Everyone / Everybody), Atsumaru (Gather), Yobu (Call)
Conversation 3
Tony : I go and make a call (and come back) for a while, is it alright? – Chotto denwa o (kakeru)kakete kimasu ga, ii desu ka?
Kobayashi : Ya, please – Ee, douzo.
Meaning : Chotto (A while / A moment), Denwa (Telephone), Denwa o kakeru (Make a call), Douzo (Please / Go ahead)
Conversation 4
Tony : Please wait for a while. I need to take my briefcase and coat at the classroom (and come back) – Chotto (matsu)matte kudasai. Kyoushitsu kara kaban to ko-to o (toru)totte kimasu.
Kobayashi : Then, I wait for you downstair – Jaa, kaidan no shita de (matsu)matte imasu ne.
Tony : Yes, will return soon – Hai, sugu (modoru)modorimasu.
Meaning : Matsu (Wait), Kyoushitsu (Classroom), Kaban (Briefcase), Ko-to (Coat), Toru (Take), Kaidan (Staircase), Shita (Down / Under), Sugu (Soon / Immediate), Modoru (Return)
Conversation 5
Kobayashi : Please bring me 3 cups of tea. Then, please deliver this to Tanaka at second floor – Ocha o mittsu (motsu)motte kite kudasai. Sorekara, 2 kai no Tanaka san ni kore o (todokeru)todokete kite kudasai.
Tony : Yes, understood – Hai, (wakaru)wakarimashita.
Meaning : Ocha (Tea), Mittsu (3), Motsu (Bring / Carry), 2 kai (2nd Floor), Todokeru (Forward / Deliver), Wakaru (Understand)
Enjoy your lesson !!!