Conversation 23  

I finally got some time to post. Today I will cover the little complicated and long conversation that includes of what we have learned in all the lessons. This

Jenny: Nihonjin wa, daigaku sotsugyō shitara, sugu kekkon shite shimau desu ne?
Jenny: Will Japanese get marry immediately after graduation?

Kobayashi: Uun, sonna koto nai yo. Demo, kekkon tekireiki to iu no ga atte ne
Kobayashi: Nope, no such thing. However there is a marriageable age.

Jenny: Nani, kekkon tekireiki tte?
Jenny: Huh, what is the marriageable age?

Kobayashi : Onna no hito nara 25 sai gurai made ni, otoko no hito nara 30 sai gurai made ni, kekkon suru no ga ippanteki nan da, Nihon dewa. Dakara, kono toshi ni nattara, mada kekkon shinai no ka tte urusain da
Kobayashi: It is common for a female to marry at age 25 and a male at age 30 in Japan. That’s why many people will concern if they have not marry at this age.

Kobayashi: Ore ima, 29 darō. Dakara miai no hanashi ga ookute ne. Oya wa miai shashin mite, kono hito ni shitara, nante katte ni kimete shimau shi.
Kobayashi: I’m 29 already. That’s why we always think about love matching. My dad looks at the photo from love matching and tried to pick one for me.

Jenny: Sore de, miai shinai de senbu kotowatta shimau no, anata wa?
Jenny: So, you objected to love matching?

Kobayashi: Maa ne. Dekitara renai kekkon shitain da. Ore, romanchisuto de ne. Jibun de sagashitain da yo. Jibun no oyomesan wa
Kobayashi: Well, if possible I would like to have real love marriage. Am I romantic. I wish to find one myself. Will be my future wife, isn’t it.

Jenny: Donna hito ga risō no josei na no?
Jenny: What type of ideal girl you are looking for?

Kobayashi: Mazu nihon teki de yasashii hito. Ryōri no jōzu na hito. Sore kara, bijin de, kaiwa ga omoshirokute, issho ni ite tanoshii hito, shakō teki na hito da na.
Kobayashi: First, a kind person & typically Japanese. Must be good in cooking. Then, pretty, likes to joke, happy going and sociable person.

Jenny: Sō. Sore dake sorotte iru hito o mitsukeru no wa, naka naka taihen ne. Demo kekkon ga kimattara, shōkai shite ne. Anata no oyome san ni, zehi atte mitai wa
Jenny: I see. It is not easy to get one with these characteristics. But, introduce me once you have decided to get marry. I certainly wish to meet your wife.

Conversation 22  

Today, I will cover a little complicated conversation from what we have learned so far.

Kobayashi : Mō kabuki o mimashita ka?
Kobayashi : Have you seen Kabuki before?

Tony : Iie, mada mita koto ga arimasen. Demo zehi mitemitai to omotte iru desu ga. Kabuki to iu no wa, itsu goro hajimatta desu ka?
Tony : No, still have not seen yet. But I will certainly watch it one day. When did Kabuki started?

Kobayashi : Nihon no edojidai desu. 1,600 nen goro deshō ne.
Kobayashi : During Japan Edo period. Around year 1,600.

Tony : Mae ni, kabuki ni tsuite kaite aru hon o chotto yonde mita desu ga, yakusha wa otoko no hito dake da sō desu ne.
Tony : Previously, I have read a book about Kabuki. It seems like only male can perform.

Kobayashi : Ee, sō desu ne. Kabuki ga hajimatta koro wa, onna no yakusha mo ita desu ga, ima wa otoko no hito dake ni narimashita. Desukara, onnayaku no hito o “Oyama“, otokoyaku no hito o “Tachiyaku” tte iu desu yo.
Kobayashi : Yeah, that’s right. when Kabuki started, there was female performer but now only male can perform. Therefore female performers are called “Oyama” and Male performers are called “Tachiyaku”.

Tony : Sō ieba, “Tachiyakusha” tte iu kotoba o kiita koto ga arimasu ga. Sore de, otoko no hito nara dare demo yakusha ni nareru desu ka?
Tony : As you said, I have heard about “Tachiyakusha” before. So, as long as they are male, anyone can become a performer?

Kobayashi : Iie, Iie. Yakusha no ie no kodomo shika naremasen.
Kobayashi : No, No. Only the performers’ son can perform.

Tony : Jaa, otoko no hito ga inakattara, dō shimasu ka?
Tony : So, how if they have no son?

Kobayashi : Yōshi o morau to iu hōhō mo arimasu.
Kobayashi : Adopting a son is one of the method.

Tony: Nihon no dentō bunka o mamoru to iu koto wa, taihen na koto nan desu ne. Kiite mite tame ni narimashita.
Tony : it’s not easy to keep these Japan traditional culture. It is great to know about this.


It’s quite sometime since the last lesson. Today I would like to end Level 4 with this final Conversation. In next lesson, I will cover Level 5.

Tony : Konshū, shinnyūsei no kangei pa-tei- o (hiraku)hirakitain desu ga, yoroshikattara sensei ni mo zehi kite itadakitai to omoimasu.
Tony : We are having a New Student Welcome Party this week and thinking of inviting Kobayashi Teacher to attend.

Kobayashi : Ara, pa-tei- nara zehi ikitai desu ne.
Kobayashi : Oh, I would like to

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Conversation 20  

Kobayashi : Saikin, atsui node, karada no guai ga yoku arimasen.
Kobayashi : I am not feeling very well due to the recent hot weather.

Tony : Ii bitamin zai o motte imasu ga, agemashō ka?
Tony : I have vitamins, you want some?

Kobayashi : Ee, onegai shimasu. Gaishoku ga ooi node, yasai ya kudamono o narubeku taberu yō ni shite irun desu ga.
Kobayashi : Yeah, please. I eat outside a lot. That is why I am taking as much vegetables and fruits as possible.

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Yet another conversation lesson.

Conversation 1
Tony : Kondo no nichiyōbi ni, minna de Nikkō e ikimasen ka
Tony : Shall all of us go to Nikko this coming Sunday

Kobayashi : Ii desu ne. Aki no Nikkō ga kirei desu kara ne. Boku ga kurasu no minna ni renraku shimasu yo.
Kobayashi : That’s good. Nikko is beautiful during autumn. I will inform all our classmates.

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It’s being a long time since the last lesson. I was busy on my work. Anyway, today I will cover a long conversation lesson.

Tony : Are, taihen da. Erebe-ta- no hijō ranpu ga tsuite iru.
Tony : Oh, problem. The elevator emergency light is on.

Kobayashi : Dōshita no ka shira.
Kobayashi : I wonder what happened

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Today I will cover a little complicated in conversation session. This time, I will test placing the meaning in an “acronym” code where you can hover your mouse to the words for meaning. I will test this out fr a while. Please comment whether it is better or otherwise.

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Kobayashi : Irasshai
Kobayashi : Welcome

Tony : Kono hen de manshon o (sagasu)sagashite irun desu ga
Tony : I am searching for a apartment in this area

Kobayashi : Go-yosan wa o-ikura desu ka
Kobayashi : How much is your budget?

Tony : 7, 8 man en gurai desu
Tony : 70 to 80 thousand yen

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It’s conversation time again…

Conversation 1
Tony : Moshimoshi, Kobayashi-san. Eiga no kippu ga arun dakedo, ashita (miru)mi ni ikanai?
Tony : Hello, Kobayashi. I have movie ticket, shall we watch it tomorrow?

Kobayashi : Ikitai kedo, ashita wa isogashikute ikenai wa. Asatte no nichiyōbi wa dō?
Kobayashi : I would like to but I am very busy tomorrow. How about a day after tomorrow on Sunday?

Tony : Ii yo. Dakedo nichiyōbi wa komu kara naa. Chotto hayame ni itte (narabu)naranda hō ga ii yo.
Tony : Great, but it will be too crowded on sunday. It’s better for us to queue up earlier.

Kobayashi : Sō ne.
Kobayashi : Yeah, I agree.

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Today, I will cover some complicated conversations. Be ready….

Conversation 1
Tony : Ohayō gozaimasu. Ame ga (furu)futtari (Yamu)yandari shite, iya na tenki desu ne. Good Morning. The weather is bad as the rain comes and goes.

Kobayashi : Ee, Nihon no 6 gatsu wa tsuyu to itte, mai nichi konna tenki ga (tsuzuku)tsuzukun desu yo. Yeah, In Japan, rainy season falls in every June. During this season, this kind of weather will go on every day.

Tony : Tsuyu ake wa itsu desu yo. When the rainy season ends?

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