Kobayashi : Irasshai
Kobayashi : Welcome

Tony : Kono hen de manshon o (sagasu)sagashite irun desu ga
Tony : I am searching for a apartment in this area

Kobayashi : Go-yosan wa o-ikura desu ka
Kobayashi : How much is your budget?

Tony : 7, 8 man en gurai desu
Tony : 70 to 80 thousand yen

Kobayashi : Arimasu yo. Yachin 7 man 2 sen en, kanrihi 4 sen en desu
Kobayashi : Yes, we have. Rental is 72,000 yen and management fee is 4,000 yen

Tony : Eki kara (aruku)aruite dono gurai no tokoro desu ka
Tony : How long it takes to walk from the train station?

Kobayashi : 15 fun gurai desu ga, sugu mae no michi o tooru basu mo arimasu yo
Kobayashi : About 15 minutes but there are also buses just in front of the street.

Tony : motto Chikai tokoro wa arimasen ka
Tony : Don’t you have any nearer one

Kobayashi : Aru koto wa arimasu ga, yachin ga sukoshi takaku naru to omoimasu yo
Kobayashi : Yes, there is but I think the rental is a little higher

Tony : Sō desu ka. Jaa, koko o 1 do (miseru)misete itadakemasu ka
Tony : Is it. So, can you please show me the unit

Kobayashi : Hai, kekkō desu yo
Kobayashi : Yes, sure

Meaning : Irasshai (Welcome), Hen (Area), Manshon (Large Apartment), Sagasu (Search), Yosan (Budget), Yachin (Rental), Kanri (Management), Hi (Fee), Kanrihi (Management Fee), Aruku (Walk), Michi (Street), Kekkō (Fine / Excellent / Sure)