Conversation and Level 2
Conversation 1
Kobayashi : What did you do day before yesterday? – Ototoi wa nani o shite imashita ka?
Tony : Went to Shibuya for shopping, then watch a drama. – Shibuya e itte kaimono o shite kara, shibai o mimashita.
Kobayashi : What did you buy? – Nani o kaimashita ka?
Tony : I saw sofa & table at the department store near the station but couldn’t find any good ones – Eki no soba no depa-to de, sofa- to te-buru o mimashita ga, ii no ga (mitsukaru)mitsukarimasen deshita.
Kobayashi : What kind of sofa & table you wanted? – Donna no ga hoshikatta desu ka?
Tony : I wished to buy big and beautiful sofa and small square table but only small sofa was available. – Ookikute kirei na sofa- to chisakute shikakui te-buru ga kaitakatta desu ga, chisai sofa- shika arimasen deshita.
Kobayashi : So, you didn’t but anything – Jaa, nani mo kaimasen deshita ka?
Tony : No, I didn’t by sofa & table but I bought a doll for my daughter – Iie, sofa- to te-buru wa kaimasen deshita ga, musume ni omocha o katte kaerimashita.
Meaning : Ototoi (Day before yesterday), Kaimono (Shopping), Shibai (Drama), Sofa- (Sofa), Te-buru (Table), Mitsukaru (Discover / Find), Shikaku (Square), Musume (Daughter), Omocha (Doll)
Conversation 2
Kobayashi : Have you already went for tour? – Mō ryokō shimashita ka?
Tony : Yes, I went to Kyoto & Osaka last month – Hai, sengetsu, Kyōto to Osaka e itte kimashita.
Kobayashi : Is it. Then, is there any other place you wish to visit – Sō desu ka. Sorekara, hoka ni doko e ikitai desu ka?
Tony : I wish to go to Hokkaido & Kyushu – Hokkaidō ya Kyūshū nado e ikitai desu
Meaning : Ryokō (Tour), Sengetsu (Last Month), Hoka (Other)