~te ikimasu  

The other day I shown you the usage of “~te kimasu” which mean “doing something and come back”. Today I will cover the opposite way – “Go and do something” (~te ikimasu).

Go out from home – Uchi o (deru)demasu
Buy cake – Ke-ki o (kau)kaimasu
Go to friend’s house – Tomodachi no uchi e (iku)ikimasu
(I will) buy cake and go (to friend’s house)- Ke-ki o katte ikimasu

You only need to mention the purpose. In the above example, the purpose is to buy cake to a friend’s house. So you only need to mention that you are going out to buy cake.

Other examples
I go and put the luggage in the room – Heya ni nimotsu o (oku)oite ikimasu
I go and send letter at the post office – Yuubinkyoku de tegami o (dasu)dashite ikimasu
I go shopping at the department store in front of the station – Eki mae no depa-to de kaimono o (suru)shite ikimasu
Meaning : Heya (Room), Nimotsu (Luggage), Oku (Put), Yuubinkyoku (Post Office), Dasu (Send), Kaimono (Shopping)

Another usage – Doing something and go
I will take a train and go – Densha ni (noru)notte ikimasu
I will bring camera and go – Kamera o (motsu)motte ikimasu
I will wear coat and go – Ko-to o (kiru)kite ikimasu
Meaning : Densha (Train), Noru (Board – for transport), Kamera (Camera), Motsu (Bring), Ko-to (Coat), Kiru (Wear)

Hope it is not too confuse.

~te kimasu  

Today, I will cover the usage of “~te kimasu” which means “Going out to do something and come back”

Go out from home – Uchi o (deru)demasu.
Buy bread – Pan o kaimasu.
Go home – Uchi ni kaerimasu.
Combination : Pan o katte kimasu (I go out to buy bread back)
Meaning : Pan (Bread), Deru (Go out)

In english, we do not use this kind of phrase but in Japanese, whenever they are do “something and come back”, ~te kimasu is used.

Other Examples
I go drink water & come back – Mizu o (nomu)nonde kimasu
Let’s me have a look at the train schedule and come back – Densha no jikokuhyou o (miru)mite kimasu
I go meet a friend and come back – Tomodachi ni (au)atte kimasu
Meaning : Mizu (Water), Nomu (Drink), Densha (Train), Jikokuhyou (Schedule / Timetable), Tomodachi (Friend), Au (Meet)


Conversation session time !!! I will cover conversation realted to time & date

Kobayashi : Where do you come from? – Doko kara kimashita ka?
Tony : I’m from America – Amerika kara kimashita
Kobayashi : When did you come? – Itsu goro kimashita ka?
Tony : Exacty 1 year ago – Choudo 1 nen mae ni kimashita
Kobayashi : How many hour it took by flight? – Hikouki de nan jikan gurai kakarimashita ka?
Tony : It took about 14 hours – 14 jikan gurai kakarimashita
Meaning : Doko (Where), Itsu (When), Goro (Around), Choudo (Exactly), Mae (Front), 1 nen mae (1 year ago), Hokouki (Flight / Aeroplane)

Kobayashi : What are you doing? – Nani o shite imasu ka?
Tony : I am studying Japanese Language – Nihongo o benkyou shite imasu
Kobayashi : You study from around what time? – Nan ji goro kara benkyou shite imasu ka?
Tony : I start at around 8 o’clock. When I reach home, I will start immediately after taking dinner – 8 ji goro kara desu. Uchi ni kaette, ban gohan o tabete kara, zutto benkyou shite imasu.
Kobayashi : So, you study for 2 hours, right? – Jaa, 2 jikan gurai desu ka?
Tony : Yes, about that long – Hai, sono gurai desu
Meaning : Benkyou (Study), Ban (Night), Ban Gohan (Dinner), Zutto (All the way / Continuously)


Today, I will cover those words use for time / date.

From (Kara)
The school starts from 9 o’clock – Gakkou wa 9 ji kara (hajimaru)hajimarimasu.
What time is the departmental store open? – Depa-to wa nan ji kara akimasu ka?
The departmental store is open from 10am – Depa-to wa asa 10 ji kara akimasu.
Meaning : Hajimaru (Start), Asa (Morning), Aku (Open)

To / Until (Made)
The school hour is until 4 o’clock – Gakkou wa 4 ji made desu.
The departmental store is open until 10pm – Depa-to wa yoru 10 ji made (aku)aite imasu.
Meaning : Yoru (Night)

From & To
The school is open from 9 to 4 o’clock – Gakkou wa 9 ji kara 4 ji made desu.
The shop is open from 10am to 10pm – Mise wa asa 10 ji kara yoru 10 ji made aite imasu
I walk from house to the station – Uchi kara eki made (aruku)arukimasu
I go from airport to hotel by bus – Kuukou kara hoteru made basu de (iku)ikimasu
Meaning : Mise (Shop), Aruku (Walk), Kuukou (Airport), Basu (Bus), Hoteru (Hotel)

How long it take (Kakaru – Kakarimasu)
It takes 15 minutes to walk from home to the station – Uchi kara eki made aruite 15 fun kakarimasu
How long it takes from your house to the office – Uchi kara kaisha made dono gurai kakarimasu ka
It takes 1 hour from home to the office – Uchi kara kaisha made 1 jikan kakarimasu
Meaning : Fun (Minute), Gurai (About), Dono Gurai Kakarimasu (How long), Jikan (Hour)

Shuukan – Week — Isshuukan (1 week)
Getsu – Month — Ikka getsu (1 month)
Nen – Year — Ichi nen (1 year)

Another Usage of ~te form  

“~te” is one of the most important usage in Japanese Language. There is another way of using ~te by combining 2 sentences.

Wake at 7 0’clock. Take breakfast. – 7 ji ni (okiru)okimasu. Asa gohan o tabemasu.
Wake at 7 o’clock, then / and take breakfast – 7 ji ni okite, asa gohan o tabemasu.
Meaning : Okiru (Wake), Asa (Morning), Gohan (Rice), Asa Gohan (Breakfast)

When you are using 2 or more verbs to express the action, you should use ~te for the verbs use before the end and ~masu for the last verb.

Go back home. Watch TV – Uchi ni (kaeru)kaerimasu. Terebi o mimasu.
Go back home then / and watch TV – Uchi ni kaette, terebi o mimasu.
Meaning : Uchi (Home), Kaeru (Go back)


“~nagara” is use for combining 2 actions into one sentence

Example 1
Drinking Beer – Bi-ru o (nomu)nonde imasu
Watching Television – Terebi o (miru)mite imasu
I am drinking beer while watching television – Biru o nominagara, terebi o mite imasu

Meaning : Bi-ru (Beer), Terebi (Television)

Example 2
Singing a Song – Uta o (utau)utatte imasu
Walking – (Aruku)Aruite imasu
I am singing a song while walking – Uta o utainagara, aruite imasu

Meaning : Uta (Song), Utau (Sing), Aruku (Walk)

Normal Form
Kau (Buy)
Kaku (Write)
Oyogu (Swim)
Hanasu (Talk)
Matsu (Wait)
Hakobu (Carry)
Nomu (Drink)
Uru (Sell)

Special Words
Kiru (Wear)
Miru (See / Watch)
Suru (Do)


Special Words

See, Its simple. 😉

~te imasu  

Long time no see guys & gals. Today I will cover the usage of “~te imasu” which means “doing something”. On how to convert from normal form to “te” form, please refer to my previous post.

Drink coffee – Ko-hi- o nomimasu
Drinking coffee – Ko-hi- o nonde imasu
Drank coffee – Ko-hi- o nomimashita

I am writing a letter to friend – Tomodachi ni tegami o (kaku)kaite imasu
I am not writing postcard to friend – Tomodachi ni hagaki wa kaite imasen
I am singing oddies – Mukashi no uta o (utau)utatte imasu
I am not singing new song – Atarashii uta wa utatte imasen
Meaning : Tomodachi (Friend), Tegami (Letter), Hagaki (Postcard), Mukashi (Olden Days), Uta (Song)

Q : What are you doing? – Nani o (suru)shite imasu ka?
A : Swimming at the pool – Pu-ru de (oyogu)oyoide imasu
Meaning : Nani (What), Pu-ru (Pool)

Once you have master the conversion of ~te form, everything will be easier.

Chinese New Year Wishes  

Happy Prosperous Chinese New Year To All. I will be off for Chinese New Year from today until 4th Feb 2006.

Conversation – “~te”  

Before I move further on other usage of ~te, I will post some examples of how to converse using the ~te form we have learned so far.

Conversation 1
Tony : Excuse me, can you please take photo for me? – Sumimasen, shashin o (toru)totte kudasai?
Watanabe : Yes. Ready. I’m taking – Hai. Ii desu ka. Torimasu yo.
Meaning : Sumimasen (Excuse Me / Sorry), Shashin (Photo)

Conversation 2
Tony : Wait a moment. Please repeat again- Chotto (matsu)matte kudasai. Mou ichido (iu)itte kudasai.
Watanabe : Can’t you hear? – Kikoemasen deshita ka?
Tony : Yes, please say louder – Hai, motto ookii koe de itte kudasai.
Meaning : Chotto (A Moment), Matsu (Wait), Mou (Again), Ichido (One more time), Kikoemasen (Can’t hear), Motto (More), Ookii (Big / Large), Koe (Voice), Ookii Koe (Loud)

Conversation 3
Jen : Please come to the station at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning – Ashita no asa, 7 ji ni eki e (kuru)kite kudasai
Yoda : 7 o’clock. It’s too early – 7 ji desu ka. Zuibun hayai desu ne.
Jen : Yeah. Please don’t be late – Ee. (Okureru)Okurenaide kudasai.
Meaning : Ashita (Tomorrow), Asa (Morning), Zuibun (Very), Okureru (Late / Delay)

Conversation 4
Yoda : Hurry Up. Class is starting – (Isogu)Isoide kudasai. Jugyou ga (hajimaru)hajimarimasu yo.
Watanabe : OK, coming now – Hai, ima ikimasu.
Yoda : Oh, but please don’t run at the corridor – Aa, demo rouka wa (hashiru)hashiranaide kudasai.
Meaning : Isogu (Hurry), Jugyou (Class / Lesson), Hajimaru (Start / Begin), Rouka (Corridor), hashiru (Run)

Enjoy your lesson !!! 😉

Please (~te kudasai)  

Today I will cover a topic on requesting for a favour from someone.

Please open the door – Doa o (akeru)akete kudasai
Please close the window – Mado o (shimeru)shimete kudasai
Please switch on the light – Denki o (tsukeru)tsukete kudasai
Please stand – (Tatsu)Tatte kudasai
Meaning : Doa (Door), Akeru (Open), Mado (Window), Shimeru (Close), Denki (Electric / Light), Tsukeru (Switch On), Tatsu (Stand)

Please pack the box with a big and beautiful paper – Ookikute kirei na kami de hako o tsutsunde kudasai
Please carry the desk to the room next door – Tonari no heya ni tsukue o (hakobu)hakonde kudasai
Please lend me your car tomorrow – Ashita kuruma o (kasu)kashite kudasai
Please have a look at the blackboard behind you – Ushiro no kokuban o (miru)mite kudasai
Please let me know your phone number – Denwa bangou o (oshieru)oshiete kudasai
Meaning : Kami (Paper), Tsutsumu (Pack), Heya (Room), Tsukue (Desk), Hakobu (Carry), Ashita (Tomorrow), Kasu (Lend), Ushiro (Behind / Back), Kokuban (Blackboard), Miru (Look / See / Watch), Denwa (Phone), Bangou (Number), Oshieru (Teach)

Using negative sentences for ~te kudasai
Please do not write a letter with red pen – Akapen de tegami wa (kaku)kakanaide kudasai
Please do not take picture in the temple – Otera no naka de shashin wa (toru)toranaide kudasai
Meaning : Akapen (Red Pen), Tegami (Letter), Shashin (Photo), Toru (Take)

Conversion from normal form to “nai” form. Just change the last character (Third Character) to the (First Character). If you refer to the Pronunciation Section, you will know what I mean by First & Third Character. 5 characters in each category : ie. (1)Ka (2)Ki (3)Ku (4)Ke (5)Ko

Kau (Buy) – Kawanai
Kaku (Write) – Kakanai
Oyogu (Swim) – Oyoganai
Hanasu (Talk) – Hanasanai
Matsu (Wait) – Matanai
Hakobu (Carry) – Hakobanai
Nomu (Drink) – Nomanai
Uru (Sell) – Uranai

Special Words
Kiru (Wear) – Kinai
Miru (See / Watch) – Minai
Kuru (Come) – Konai
Suru (Do) – Shinai
Taberu (Eat) – Tabenai

Whenever there is “nai” (not), ~de is always use instead of ~te

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