Today I will cover the first lesson of Level 5. The first lesson will be “~te mimasu 「~て見ます」”. This is use to express “Let’s do something“. To use this, you will have to convert the verbs to “te” form.

This time, I will include Hiragana + Katakana + Kanji as many readers requested for it. For beginners, you can also learn how these characters are written in hiragana, katakana & kanji.

Example 1
Tony : Mō 30 bun ijō (matsu)matte iru desu yo. 「もう30分以上待っているですよ。」
Tony : I have waited for more than 30 minutes.

Kobayashi : Ano hito wa yakusoku o mamoru hito na node, nani ka atta no kamoshiremasen. Mō sukoshi matte mimasu 「あの人は約束を守る人なので、何かあったのかもしれません。もう少し待って見ます」
Kobayashi : That person will keep his promise, maybe he got stuck with something. Let’s wait for a while.

Example 2
Kobayashi : Tanaka-san ni ototoi okutta annaijō, chanto (todoku)todoita ka shira 「田中さんおととい送った案内状、ちゃんと届いたかしら。」
Kobayashi : I have sent an invitation card to Tanaka day before yesterday, not sure whether it has reach him or not

Tony : Todoita ka dō ka, denwa o (kakeru)kakete (kiku)kiite mimasu 「届いたかどうか、電話を掛けた聞いて見ます」
Tony : Reach or not, let’s call him to check it out.

Example 3
Kobayashi : Anata wa mata takarakuji o kau desu ka. 「あなたは又宝くじを買うですか。」
Kobayashi : You buy lottery again?

Tony : Hai, ataru ka dō ka (wakaru)wakarimasen ga, 100 mai (kau)katte mimasu 「はい、当たるかどうか分かりませんが100枚買って見ます。」
Tony : Yes, not sure whether can hot or not but let’s buy 100 tickets to try it out.