~te mimasu (Let’s Do Something)
Today I will cover the first lesson of Level 5. The first lesson will be “~te mimasu 「~て見ます」”. This is use to express “Let’s do something“. To use this, you will have to convert the verbs to “te” form.
This time, I will include Hiragana + Katakana + Kanji as many readers requested for it. For beginners, you can also learn how these characters are written in hiragana, katakana & kanji.
Example 1
Tony : Mō 30 bun ijō (matsu)matte iru desu yo. 「もう30分以上待っているですよ。」
Tony : I have waited for more than 30 minutes.
Kobayashi : Ano hito wa yakusoku o mamoru hito na node, nani ka atta no kamoshiremasen. Mō sukoshi matte mimasu 「あの人は約束を守る人なので、何かあったのかもしれません。もう少し待って見ます」
Kobayashi : That person will keep his promise, maybe he got stuck with something. Let’s wait for a while.
Example 2
Kobayashi : Tanaka-san ni ototoi okutta annaijō, chanto (todoku)todoita ka shira 「田中さんおととい送った案内状、ちゃんと届いたかしら。」
Kobayashi : I have sent an invitation card to Tanaka day before yesterday, not sure whether it has reach him or not
Tony : Todoita ka dō ka, denwa o (kakeru)kakete (kiku)kiite mimasu 「届いたかどうか、電話を掛けた聞いて見ます」
Tony : Reach or not, let’s call him to check it out.
Example 3
Kobayashi : Anata wa mata takarakuji o kau desu ka. 「あなたは又宝くじを買うですか。」
Kobayashi : You buy lottery again?
Tony : Hai, ataru ka dō ka (wakaru)wakarimasen ga, 100 mai (kau)katte mimasu 「はい、当たるかどうか分かりませんが100枚買って見ます。」
Tony : Yes, not sure whether can hot or not but let’s buy 100 tickets to try it out.
May 28th, 2009 at 10:06 am
i wanna learn more from you .. you know what , you teach better than the other who also teach japanese .. you explain well that easy to undrstand ! i Love it ..
August 29th, 2009 at 3:32 pm
This is such an amazing way to clear all your doubts. One truly helpful place to refer from . Thank you soo much for your guidance.Way to go !!!! you teach very well….. sensei but im not able to access all your conversation please help =(
August 29th, 2009 at 3:34 pm
Hi Harpreet, glad that you like this site. By the way, I will add a category for all the conversations so that you can access to that category to see all conversations. At the mean time, you can search for conversation in this site.
September 2nd, 2009 at 5:20 pm
I just love you because of this site. you are just the best teacher so far. God bless you forever.
September 2nd, 2009 at 6:49 pm
Hi Dadank, glad you like this site. Thank You.
November 27th, 2011 at 12:57 am
So far, this has the best Japanese lessons so far. I am almost fluent in Japanese, but these really help me out with some grammatical things I still don’t know. I have a question about this topic.
Is using ~て見ます basically the same as using the volitional tense (~おう)? I know the volitional tense can also be used the say “about to [do something]”, but other than that, what is the difference?
i.e. 私たちは仕事に早すぎるので待とう。(I’ve never really heard anyone say “matou”, but it’s just an example)
Or another example….
準備なら行こう。OR 準備なら行って見ます。(Is it a politeness thing? ^^;)
November 27th, 2011 at 10:47 am
行こう = 行きましょう
待とう = 待ちましょう
行って見ます = 行って見よう
待て見ます = 待ってみよう
Hope this help
May 29th, 2016 at 12:38 am
Thank you! This site rocks.