This & That – Part 2
Yesterday, we have gone through the basic usage of This (Kore) & That (Sore / Are). Today I would like to share with your all on other usage.
Q : Is this your car? – Kore wa anata no kuruma desu ka?
「これ は あなた の くるま です か?」
A : No, this isn’t my car – Iie, kore wa watashi no kuruma dewa arimasen
「いいえ、これ は わたし の くるま で は ありません」
Q : So, whose car is this? – Jaa, Kore wa dare no kuruma desu ka?
「じゃあ、これ は だれ の くるま です か?」
A : This is John’s car – Kore wa Jon no kuruma desu
「これ は ジョン の くるま です」
Meaning : Jaa (So), Dare (Who), Dare no (Whose), Jon (John – in Katakana)
Another usage is :
Q : What is that? – Sore wa nan desu ka? 「それ は なん です か?」
A : Which one? – Dore desu ka? 「どれ です か?」
Q : This one? – Kore desu? 「これ です」
A: This is a map – Kore wa chizu desu 「これ は ちず です」
Meaning : Dore (Which), Chizu (Map)
The sentences we used so far for This & That are a proper form like “Is this your pen?. Yes, This is my pen”. During actual conversation we can just answer : “Yes, This is mine” instead of “Yes, This is my pen”.
Here, I will show you how :
Q : Is this your pen? – Kore wa anata no pen desu ka? 「これ は あなた の ペン です?」
A : Yes, This is mine – Hai, kore wa watashi no desu. 「はい、これ は わたし の です」
Q : Is this his book? – Kore wa kare no hon desu ka? 「これ は かれ の ほん です か?」
A : Yes, it is – Hai, Sou Desu 「はい、そう です」
Q : Is that John’s car? – Sore wa Jon no kuruma desu ka? 「それ は ジョン の くるま です か?」
A : Yes, that is John’s car – Hai, sore wa Jon no desu OR Hai, sou desu OR Hai, Jon no desu
Meaning : Watashi no (my / mine), Sou (agree to something), Kare (His)
April 22nd, 2009 at 1:14 am
Hi ! I just found this site and I’m really glad i did! I started reading starting from the very begining and i’ve read 4 posts and i’m trying to study every word I see. I just started learning japanese last week .I’m fourteen and I can’t attend any language schools or classes anywhere for that matter because of some reasons. I don’t have a credit card so i can’t pay for any online classes either,lol. So, I’m really hoping if you could give me some tips. I’m always confused about which stuff to learn . Can you please tell me what I should do one after another? It would totally help me a lot if you could reply. and sorry for ther long comment. ^_^
April 22nd, 2009 at 1:58 am
Oh, i forgot ! I just really want to know how long it will take me to understand what japanese people are saying. for example, like in japanese dramas or in real life. THANKS A MILLION !!!!!!! I’m Going to come back to this site tomorrow too 😀
April 22nd, 2009 at 2:50 pm
Hi Miki,
Glad that you like this site. For beginners, the first thing you need to learn is the pronunciation.
Then just follow the lesson from Lesson 1, read and practice. In every post, if you need assistance, just post your question in the comment and I will reply you ASAP.
Well, to master this language takes time. It’s all depends on how frequent you practice. Should get a dictionary and it would help for single word.