Advertising Block  

I have added 6 blocks (145 x 30 pixels) for interested advertisers. The monies earned from these advertising will be added to my childrens’ education fund as I am not able to pay for their study in the near future. Instead of just requesting for donation, I was thinking why not I put up some blocks for interested parties to advertise their sites, products or services.

I will only maintain these 6 advertising blocks and definately no plan to increase the bumber of blocks.

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It’s conversation time again…

Conversation 1
Tony : Moshimoshi, Kobayashi-san. Eiga no kippu ga arun dakedo, ashita (miru)mi ni ikanai?
Tony : Hello, Kobayashi. I have movie ticket, shall we watch it tomorrow?

Kobayashi : Ikitai kedo, ashita wa isogashikute ikenai wa. Asatte no nichiyōbi wa dō?
Kobayashi : I would like to but I am very busy tomorrow. How about a day after tomorrow on Sunday?

Tony : Ii yo. Dakedo nichiyōbi wa komu kara naa. Chotto hayame ni itte (narabu)naranda hō ga ii yo.
Tony : Great, but it will be too crowded on sunday. It’s better for us to queue up earlier.

Kobayashi : Sō ne.
Kobayashi : Yeah, I agree.

Meaning : Moshimoshi (Hello), Eiga (Movie), Kippu (Ticket), Dakedo (But), Asatte (Day after tomorrow), Komu (Crowd), Hayame (Earlier), Narabu (Queue Up)

Conversation 2
Kobayashi : A, watashi megane o wasurete kita wa.
Kobayashi : Oh, I forgot to bring my spectacles.

Tony : E, Kobayashi-san, me ga warui no?
Tony : Oh, do you have visual problem?

Kobayashi : Ee. Itsumo kontakuto renzu o shite irun dakedo, kyō wa kaze ga tsuyoi kara yameta no.
Kobayashi : Yeah, I always use contact lens but I didn’t today due to strong wind.

Tony : Zenzen mienai no?
Tony : Totally cannot see at all?

Kobayashi : Mieru kedo, jimaku ka yomenaishi, eigo no serifu mo wakaranaishi…
Kobayashi : Can see but I am unable to read the subtitle, and I don’t understand english conversation in the movie

Tony : (Komaru)Komatta nee. Yonde ageru koto mo dekinaishi
Tony : What a waste. I can’t read every single Japanese subtitle for you too.

Kobayashi : A-, zannen da wa.
Kobyashi : Ah, too bad.

Meaning : Megane (Spectacles), Kontakuto Renzu (Contact Lens), Zenzen (Totally), Jimaku (Subtitles), Serifu (Speech / Vocal), Zannen (Too Bad / Disappointed)

Using Verbs – Can do something  

Most probably all you guys can still remember the use of Verbs. Today, I will show you how to use verbs to express “Can Do Something”

Can See – Mieru
Can Talk – Hanaseru
Can Walk – Arukeru

For this usage, we have to use the “4th sound” of hiragana (a i u e o).

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Give & Receive  

Today I am going to cover the usage of Give (~te ageru / ~te sashi ageru) & Receive (~te itadaku / ~te morau / ~te kureru). Similar with some words, there are Polite & Inpolite way of usage. When translating back to English, there won’t be any

Very Polite
I lend you a car- Kuruma o kashite sashi agemasu
I buy you a bicycle – Jitensha o katte sashi agemasu

I lend you a car- Kuruma o kashite agemasu
I buy you a bicycle – Jitensha o katte agemasu

I lend you a car- Kuruma o kashite yarimasu
I buy you a bicycle – Jitensha o katte yarimasu

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Today, I will cover some complicated conversations. Be ready….

Conversation 1
Tony : Ohayō gozaimasu. Ame ga (furu)futtari (Yamu)yandari shite, iya na tenki desu ne. Good Morning. The weather is bad as the rain comes and goes.

Kobayashi : Ee, Nihon no 6 gatsu wa tsuyu to itte, mai nichi konna tenki ga (tsuzuku)tsuzukun desu yo. Yeah, In Japan, rainy season falls in every June. During this season, this kind of weather will go on every day.

Tony : Tsuyu ake wa itsu desu yo. When the rainy season ends?

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Kyū Ni & “~hajimemasu”  

“Kyū Ni” means “Suddenly”. Example:
It’s suddenly rains – Ame ga kyū ni (furu)furi dashimashita

The train suddenly moves – Densha ga kyū ni (ugoku)ugoki dashimashita

Dad suddenly got angry – Chichi ga kyū ni (okoru)okori dashimashita
Meaning : Ame (Rain), Densha (Train), Ugoku (Move), Chichi (Dad), Okoru (Angry / Mad)

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“~ri” is used to indicate that you will / can do multiple things. This should be used to attach in past tense verbs.

Example :
Kaku (Write) – Kaita (Past Tense) = Kaitari

Q : Where wouldyou go during summer holiday? – Natsu yasumi ni wa doko e ikimasu ka?
A : I’ll go to sea and mountain – Umi e ittari, yama e ittari shimasu.
Meaning : Natsu (Summer), Yasumi (Holiday / Rest), Umi (Sea), Yama (Mountain)

Remember, the “~ri” used in tha last verb must be followed by “shimasu”

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Today, I will start a first level 4 lesson on the usage of “~shi”. This is use for a combination of 2 subjects like the following example :

Subject : I play tennis. I play golf. – Tenisu o shimasu. Gorufu o shimasu.
Q : Do you play sports? – Anata wa supo-tsu o shimasu ka?
A : Yes, I play tennis as well as golf – Hai, tenisu mo suru shi, gorufu mo shimasu
Meaning : Supo-tsu (Sports), Tenisu (Tennis), Gorufu (Golf)

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It’s being a while without any new post. This was due to my laptop being hit by lightning and the motherboard was burnt. Anyway I got it back now and would like to cover the last part of Level 3 before moving into Level 4.

Conversation 1
Tony : Have you decided what to do during summer holiday – Natsu yasumi, dō suru ka, (kimeru)kimeta
Kobayashi : No, not yet. How about you – Uun, mada. Toni-san wa
Tony : I have decided to go camping in August – Kimatte iru no wa 8 gatsu no kyanpu dake da yo
Meaning : Natsu (Summer), Yasumi (Holiday / Rest), Kimeru (Decide), Kyanpu (Camp)

Conversation 2
Kobayashi : My car could’t go out because there’s a big truck parking in front of my house – Uchi no mae ni ookii torakku ga (Tomaru)tomatte ite, kuruma o dasu koto ga dekinain da.
Tony : When was the truck parked there – Sono torakku, itsu kara (Tomeru)tomete aru no
Kobayashi : Hmm, I think it’s being there for 30 minutes – Sō da naa, mō 30 bun naru ka na
Meaning : Torakku (Truck), Tomaru / Tomeru (Stop / Park), Itsu (When)

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Final Lesson for Level 3  

This will be the final lesson for Level 3. I will cover other words / sentences related to this level. Next , I will post some conversations on what we have learned in this level before I proceed to Level 4. So,Stay Tune!!!

Q : Who is the person wearing spectacles? – Megane o kakete iru no wa dare desu ka?
A : The person who is wearing spectacles is Tony – Megane o kakete iru no wa toni desu.

If you are refering to human, you can also use “hito wa” instead of “no wa”. As you know, “no” means “belongs to” so with the conbination of “no” & “wa”, it will becomes “referring to something / someone”. Of course, “no wa” can be used for things as well. For example : Hako ni haite aru no wa nan desu ka? (What is in the box?).

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