Node – Because / Due To  

“Node” means Because or Due To. While using “Node”, it is usually uses at the end of one sentence follow by another. You can also use “Kara” for the same meaning. Example :

Netsu ga (aru)arimasu. (I have fever)
Gakkō o (yasumu)yasumimasu. (I am taking leave from school)

Combination of the above 2 sentences using “Node”
Netsu ga aru node, gakkō o yasumimasu. (I am taking school leave because I have fever) OR
Netsu ga aru kara, gakkō o yasumimasu.

Here’s another example:
Q : Dōshite rōka ni (tatsu)tatte irun desu ka
Q : Why are you standing in the hallway?

A : Kagi ga nai node / kara, heya ni (Hairu)hairemasen
A : I can’t enter my room because I don’t have a key

Q: Kyō wa mou kaerun desu ka
Q : Going back now

A : Hai, (tsukareru)tsukareta node / kara, hayaku kaette (neru)nemasu
A : Yes, I got to sleep earlier because I am tired.


Yet another conversation lesson.

Conversation 1
Tony : Kondo no nichiyōbi ni, minna de Nikkō e ikimasen ka
Tony : Shall all of us go to Nikko this coming Sunday

Kobayashi : Ii desu ne. Aki no Nikkō ga kirei desu kara ne. Boku ga kurasu no minna ni renraku shimasu yo.
Kobayashi : That’s good. Nikko is beautiful during autumn. I will inform all our classmates.

Tony : Sō desu ne. Jaa, Asa 9 ji ni Ueno eki ni atsumaru yō ni (tsutaeru) tsutaete kudasai
Tony : Yeah. So, please let them know that we will gather in Ueno Station at 9.00am.

Kobayashi : Hai, wakarimashita. Kippu wa dō shimasu ka.
Kobayashi : Alright, got it. How about the tickets?

Tony : Boku no hō de (matomeru) matomete kaimasu kara, ninzū dake oshiete kudasai.
Tony : My side will settle it, please let me know how many of them.


It’s being a long time since the last lesson. I was busy on my work. Anyway, today I will cover a long conversation lesson.

Tony : Are, taihen da. Erebe-ta- no hijō ranpu ga tsuite iru.
Tony : Oh, problem. The elevator emergency light is on.

Kobayashi : Dōshita no ka shira.
Kobayashi : I wonder what happened

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~Rashii (Seems to be / to)  

Tony : Tonari no heya ni, dare ka iru no ka na – Are there anyone in the room next door?
Kobayashi : Saa – There?

Tony : Koe ga (kiku) kikoenai ka – Can’t you hear the voice?
Kobayashi : Aa, dare ka ga iru rashii desu ne – Oh Yeah, there seems to be someone in there

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~Kamo Shiremasen  

~Kamo Shiremasen is to be placed at the end of a sentence that represents that something may be carried out

Q : Kobayashi san mo kimasu ka – Is Kobayashi also coming?
A : Saa, konai kamo shiremasen – Well, maybe he is not coming

Q : Mō 2 ji 50 bun desu ga, mada Toni san ga kimasen – It’s already 2.50 but Tony have not come yet
A : Jaa, 3 ji no densha ni (maniau) maniawanai kamo shiremasen – So, we may not be able to take the 3 o’clock train

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Today I will cover a little complicated in conversation session. This time, I will test placing the meaning in an “acronym” code where you can hover your mouse to the words for meaning. I will test this out fr a while. Please comment whether it is better or otherwise.

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~To Omoimasu  

Omoimasu (Omou) is used when you are expressing that you are thinking of doing something. The usage is “Verb follow by Omoimasu”.

Example :
Q : What would you read? – Nani o yomimasu ka
A : I think I’m going to read a novel – Shōsetsu o (yomu)yomō to omoimasu

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Kobayashi : Irasshai
Kobayashi : Welcome

Tony : Kono hen de manshon o (sagasu)sagashite irun desu ga
Tony : I am searching for a apartment in this area

Kobayashi : Go-yosan wa o-ikura desu ka
Kobayashi : How much is your budget?

Tony : 7, 8 man en gurai desu
Tony : 70 to 80 thousand yen

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~Yō Na  

“Yō Na” is used to mentioned something that is similar.

The color is same as rose color – Bara no yō na iro o shite imasu

His character is like a child – Kodomo no yō na seikaku o shite imasu

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~Sō Desu  

Ame ga furu sō desu – It’s likely going to rain.

“~Sō” is used when you are mentioning something that you are not sure that it is going to happen. Other examples :

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